May 15 through June 5
    Illinois State University's Office of International Studies, in collaboration with the China International Publishing Group (CPGI) arranged a visit to China for four students and 8 faculty/staff from ISU. The tour was led by Dr. Frank Morn of Criminal Justice Sciences.    
    The photographs presented here are a sample of those taken during the tour. They are presented in three albums. Within each album the photographs are in chronological order.    
    The trip began in Beijing and ended in Hong Kong. The general itinerary is shown in the map below.    
Album #3
Chongquing to Wuhan to Hong Kong

(Includes Trip Through Three Gorges)
(Days 14 through 20)
China 2002 Group Members (referred to by first name in the photos)
Frank Morn, Group Leader, Professor of Criminal Justice
Alison Bailey, Associate Professor of Philosophy
Molly Larson, Presidential Scholar
Natalie Mullen, Presidential Scholar
J. Robert Rossman, Dean of the College of Applied Science & Technology
Cheryl Stampley, Assistant Professor of Social Work
Bethany Struebing, Presidential Scholar
W. Eric Thomas, Associate Vice President for Undergraduate Studies
Lindsay Unsicker, Presidential Scholar
Ralph Weisheit, Distinguished Professor of Criminal Justice
Robert Zant, Chair of the Department of Applied Computer Sciences
Sue Zant, Spouse
Quick Facts About China
    In terms of land area China is about the size of the United States, but it has a population of nearly 1.3 billion people -- about 4.5 times that of the U.S.    
    The country has only about half as much arable land as the U.S. to feed its large population.    
    Ethnically, about 92% of the population is Han Chinese, with the remaining population consisting of a number of groups, including Tibetan, Mongol and Manchu.    
    The Communist government retains tight political control of the country but is also moving the economy to a market-driven system, with a trend toward privatizing many industries and an increasing use of joint venture operations in which the Chinese goverment owns part of a company while foreign investors also own a part.    
    China has a labor force of about 700 million compared with a U.S. labor force of about 141 million.    
    China has a higher unemployment rate than the U.S. but it also has a smaller percent of its population living below the poverty line.    
Much of this information was gleaned from the CIA World Factbook:
Photos and Web Design by Ralph A. Weisheit